

ForsideVandreruterAnsagerHenneHoHorneHoustrupOutrupSigTistrupVrøgumWanderroutenAnsager (Deutsch)Henne (Deutsch)Ho (Deutsch)Horne (Deutsch)Houstrup (deutsch)Outrup /Deutsch)Sig (Deutsch)Tistrup (Deutsch)Vrøgum (Deutsch)Hiking TrailsAnsager (English)Henne (English)Ho (English)Horne (English)Houstrup (English)Outrup (English)Sig (English)Tistrup(English)Vrøgum (English)Om HikingVarde
Hiking Trails
Overview of hiking routes on HikingVarde.dk
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Ansager to the Stemmeværk: Lemgth: 7 km.
Ansager to the Stemmeværk: Lemgth: 7 km.

The route starts at the car park at the Hytteby

Blåbjerg Red route: Length: 4 km.
Blåbjerg Red route: Length: 4 km.

The route starts at the parking lot at the Blåbjerg stone

Ho- Skallingende-length 8.5 km
Ho- Skallingende-length 8.5 km

Skallingen is the northernmost of the Wadden Sea's dynamic landscape and is located in the Wadden Sea National Park.

Horne-Vikingesti-length: 3.5 km.
Horne-Vikingesti-length: 3.5 km.

The path system starts from Vikingelund at Lundagervej

Houstrup-Yellow Route- Length: 7 km.
Houstrup-Yellow Route- Length: 7 km.

Start from the car park at Houstrup Strand

Karlsgårde Lake: Length 5.5 km.
Karlsgårde Lake: Length 5.5 km.

The route starts at the southern parking lot (Karlsgårde Søvej)

Kærgaard-Gråmulebjerg Yellow route: Length 5 km.
Kærgaard-Gråmulebjerg Yellow route: Length 5 km.

The route starts from the car park on Kærgårdvej between numbers 9 and 11

Langli: Length 10 km.
Langli: Length 10 km.

The route starts at the car park at Ebbe vej

Letbæk Lake and Kraruplund Forest: Length: 5 km.
Letbæk Lake and Kraruplund Forest: Length: 5 km.

A popular route starts at the car park at Letbæk Sø.

Outrup- Hjertesti- Length: 4.70 km.
Outrup- Hjertesti- Length: 4.70 km.

Hjertestien with an extra loop past the forest at Engparken. Start at Outrup Anlæg Dejrupvej.

Vrøgum- Yellow route-length 9.50 km.
Vrøgum- Yellow route-length 9.50 km.

Yellow route starting from Ballonparken in Vrøgum Address: Egevej 15. Vrøgum, 6840 Oksbøl